Better late than never: DVDs that were given to me for Christmas 2013.
Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2 DVD set |
Enjoyed the first Kick-Ass enormously. Haven't yet seen the sequel, but with no Nicolas Cage, I'm already thinking it's not going to be as good. However, I won't really know until I watch it. must try to keep an open mind. On the plus side, Hit Girl is there!
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor DVD |
Yes, it's a bit silly, but I still loved it. Even more so on second viewing. Matt Smith, David Tennant, John Hurt and Billie Piper are all excellent. Clearly, you're never going to please everyone with an anniversary story: there's always going to be something that'll irk you. For me, I've never much liked the Zygons and I wasn't looking forward to their reappearance in the show. However, this is an entertaining romp and is a story that I'll more than happily return to.
Trouble with the Curve DVD |
I've always liked baseball movies and this was no exception. Clint Eastwood plays a baseball scout who is slowly losing his sight. Despite this, he is not convinced that the next big hitter that his club are itching to sign is all he's cracked up to be. His daughter, played by Amy Adams, reluctantly joins him on the road. Good performances all round. However, the rushed resolution to the romantic sub-plot was a little grating.
An Adventure in Space and Time DVD |
Back to Doctor Who with Mark Gatiss' superb drama about the beginning of our favourite show and, specifically, about the first actor to play the Doctor, William Hartnell. A real treat for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.
Man of Steel DVD |
Although I like super-hero films, I'm not a huge Superman fan. He just has
too many super powers for my liking. I'm still looking forward to seeing this reboot, though as it seems to have been well received.