Sunday, 20 October 2013

Recent DVD Pick Ups - 84 Charing Cross Road and, erm, Fantom Kiler 2

Don't know why it's taken me so long to pick up a copy of this film on DVD because I love it. I first saw it at the cinema on its release and subsequently owned a copy of the VHS and, of course, the book.

Lovely central performances from Anthony Hopkins as London bookseller Frank Doel, and Anne Bancroft as writer and bookworm Helene Hanff who cannot find the books she craves in New York. Given that the two leads do not appear on screen together and communicate only by letter there must have been a risk that this would look too much like a stage play. However, the excellent supporting cast along with the vibrant New York and staid London settings open the film out nicely.

And from the sublime to the ridiculous! I happened upon a second hand copy of Fantom Kiler 2 and obviously, I had to get it (I've already got entries 1 and 3 in the series). It's gloriously awful stuff with a crazed killer (or should I say 'kiler') on the loose who manages to find his way about even though his face is covered by what looks like a thick woollen sock. There's a detective on the case, though. Unfortunately, he's an arrogant moron who makes Inspector Clouseau look like Sherlock Holmes.

Stand by for inept English subtitles (that's when you can actually read them against the light backgrounds on the film), fake blood and naked loveliness. It's not quite as good as the first Fantom Kiler film - but what is, eh? What is?

And speaking of the first Fantom Kiler, here's a clip from that particular classic.

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